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New Course Launch!!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of new M. Tech. program in Computational Materials Engineering (CME) from the academic session 2024-25. For more details go to Academics-> Structure page.
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Ph. D. Admissions Spring Semester 2024-25 !
Shortlist and schedule for interview for Spring Semester 2024-25 admissions
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First Prof. Subrata Ray Endowment Lecture on August 12, 2024
By Prof. B.S. Murty, Director, IIT Hyderabad, on August 12, 2024 (Monday) at 9:00 AM (IST) in MAC Auditorium.
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Post Doc Fellowship Opportunity!
Applications are invited for a project on "Anti-corrosion coatings for high-strength aluminum alloys". Last Date for applying: November 20, 2024
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Faculty Interest Areas
Gautam Agarwal Welding metallurgy, laser welding
Varun A Baheti Electronic Packaging, Galvanised Coatings, Thermoelectrics: Diffusion in Solids, Phase Diagrams, Growth Kinetics, Microstructure, Properties
Mukesh Bhardwaj Research methodologies, Automation tools like potentiostat programming, Latex and planning tools to do reseach efficiently, Nano grain sized metallic materials, Nano Nickel and Nano copper coatings, Nano composites, Nano ceramic metal matrix coating, Weldments, Corrosion protection of weldments, Energy materials, Microporous coatings of Nickel for hydrogen evolution, Electrocatalysis, Synthesis and characterization of an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, Modelling and simulation, Simulation of iron and steel making processes
G.P. Chaudhari Aqueous corrosion , Ultra fine grained materials, Solidification processing,
Vikram Vasant Dabhade Metal Matric Composites, Nanocomposites, Machinability, Intermetallics, Sintering Kinetics, Mechanical Alloying, Powder Metallurgy
B.S. Sundar Daniel Metal Foam, Nanomaterials, Metal Matrix Composites, Metallic Glasses, Superplasticity
Sourav Das Steel development for:, 1. Automotive application, 2. Armour, 3. Construction;, Study of phase transformation with the help of:, 1. ThermoCalc, 2. DICTRA, 3. Modelling;, Structure-property correlation of:, 1. Mechanical properties of steel (e.g. tensile, fatigue, impact etc), 2. Heat treatment;, Joining of materials, 1. Ferrous, 2. Non-ferrous joining
Nikhil Dhawan Mineral Processing, Extractive Metallurgy, Recycling, Microwave processing, Rare earth, Electronic waste recycling, CFL, PCB, Lithium ion battery
Rajeshwar R. Eleti Microstructure, Mechanical behavior of materials
Sadhan Ghosh Phase Transformations, Mechanical behaviors, Steel microstructures-property correlation, Thermo-Calc and Dictra Simulation
Supriyo Ghosh Computational Materials Science, Phase Transformations, Additive Manufacturing, Materials Design
Anish Karmakar Advanced Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Titanium Alloys, Damage Evaluation of Metals and Alloys, Tailor and Design of Steel Microstructure and their Mechanical responses, Fatigue Behaviour of Titanium Alloys, Electron Microscopy, Precipitation kinetics, Crystallographic texture
B.V. Manoj Kumar Tribology of advanced materials, Processing of Ceramics and Composites, Structure-Property Correlations in Advanced Materials
Arka Lahiri Study of Phase-transformations and Mechnical Behaviour using the following Modeling and Simulation approaches: 1. Phase-field modeling, 2. Crystal Plasticity, 3. Kinetic Monte Carlo, 4. Machine learning, 5. Deep learning and Computer Vision.
Indranil Lahiri Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and other nanomaterials and thin films, Electronic Applications of Nanomaterials, Field Emission - application of interface engineering and novel geometry, Energy Related Application of Nanomaterials, Carbon nanotubes and other nanomaterials as Li-ion battery electrode, Energy harvesters, Sensors for healthcare applications
Debrupa Lahiri (1) Biomaterials:, Developing Material systems for Implants, Tissue Engineering and Degradable Scaffolds, (2) Multiscale Mechanics and Tribology:, (i) For Structural Materials, (ii) Nanomechanics of Biological and 1D/2D Nanomaterials , (3) Composite Material Systems with Nanofillers:, For structural and biomedical applications with specific functionalities
Sai Ramudu Meka Surface Engineering - Thermochemical surface treatments for steels, powder metallurgy, second-phase dispersion strengthened metal alloys, Solid State Phase Transformation
Sumeet Mishra Computational plasticity, Deformation kinetics analysis using transient mechanical tests, Phenomenological modelling using internal variable models, Texture modelling via full field and self consistent models, Numerical modelling of precipitation kinetics
Suhrit Mula Preparation of Bulk Nanostructured metals and alloys and nanocomposites, Low stacking fault energy materials (Copper based alloys), Development of High strength steel by controlled Thermo-mechanical processing, Thermomechanical simulation, multiaxial forging, controlled rolling of IF steels, Microalloyed steel, high entropy alloys , Development of cast high entropy alloys, Thermodynamics, kinetics and thermal stability of nanostructured materials , Iron based and aluminium-based nanostructured alloys, Mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, Wear and Corrosion resistance
Vivek Pancholi Crystallographic texture, High temperature deformation, Thermo-mechanical processing, Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming, Friction stir processing
Ujjwal Prakash Metallurgical Engineering, Powder metallurgy, steels, high temperature structural materials, intermetallics.
Devendra Puri Extractive Metallurgy, High Temperature Oxidation & Corrosion, Extractive Metallurgy, High Temperature Oxidation & Corrosion
Anjan Sil Energy Storage Materials , Functional Ceramics
K.S. Suresh Structure - property correlations, Electron Microscopy, Crystallographic Texture, Thermo-mechanical processing, Plasticity, Annealing, Advanced Manufacturing methods, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Materials, Shape memory alloys, Strutural Materials, Metallic multilayers, Ti alloys, Ni base superalloys, Al alloys
Abhishek Tewari Computational Materials Science, Materials Informatics, Oxide Thermoelectrics, Halide Perovskites

Research Themes
Dr. Michal Miś, Structural Integrity Engineer, Rolls-Royce, visited the Department at 10:00 am on 25th August (Thursday) for discussing the possibility of research collaboration.
Dr. S.C. Sharma, Former Associate Director, Research and Development, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananathapuram delivered a talk titled 'Materials for Indian Space Programme : Lab to Launch' on 28.03.2022 (Monday) at the Seminar Hall, MMED
Dr. Vivek Srivastava, Sr. Principal Scientist and Head HICSemifab, Aditya Birla Group, Novelis and Hindalco delivered a talk titled Abnormal grain growth phenomenon during uniaxial extrusion of highly alloyed Al-Cu alloys and control strategies on 21.03.2022 (Monday) at the Seminar Hall, MMED
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Lecture Series